[Android Version] Chapter 2: How to Use the MT4 App

[1] In addition to being simple and easy to use, the excellent chart analysis functions and wide variety of indicators recreate an advanced trading environment.

(1) How to Use the Quotes Screen

On the Quotes screen, you can display the rates for each currency pair. When you long-press on a rate on the Quotes screen, buttons for switching between “Simple View Mode” and “Advanced View Mode” will appear.

(2) Simple Mode

(3) Advanced View Mode

[2] Adding, Deleting, and Rearranging Currency Pairs

(1) Tap the “+” icon at the top right of the screen.

(2) Tap “IS6FX” or “Forex”.

※Note: On some devices, it is displayed as “Forex.”
※Note: Please tap on the Forex button and confirm the issue you wish to view on the next screen before proceeding.

(3) Tap the currency pair you want to display, then tap the “Back” button twice.

(4) The addition of the currency pair you want to display is complete.。

[3] Deleting a Currency Pair

(1) Tap the top right of the screen.

(2) Tap the top right of the screen.

(3) Select the currency pair you want to delete, then tap the top right of the screen.

(4) The currency pair is deleted.

[4] Rearranging Currency Pairs

(1) Tap the top right of the screen.

(2) Press and hold the left side while moving up and down to rearrange the currency pairs.

[5] Chart Screen

(1) Tap the chart display button at the bottom of the screen.

(2) How to Use the Chart Screen

1. Crosshair
You can view detailed information such as price, time, high, and low.
2. Indicators
You can insert indicators and edit parameters.
3. Object
Lines and shapes can be placed on the chart.
4. Currency Pair Selection
You can change the currency pair displayed on the chart.
5. Trading
Switches to the trading screen.

[6] How to Select Indicators

The Android version of MT4 allows you to select from 30 different indicators.

(1) Tap the indicator button on the chart screen.

(2) Select an indicator.

(3) After entering the parameters, tap “Done.”

(4) The insertion of the indicator into the chart is complete.

[7] How to Display Trend Lines

(1) Tap the chart screen and then tap the object button.

(2) Tap “Trend Line.”

(3) Trace the part of the screen where you want to draw a line with your finger, and the “Trend Line” will be drawn.

【Android Version】Chapter 3: Order Methods