Notification of Trading Hour Changes Due to Winter Time Adjustment

Thank you for your continued support of IS6FX.

With the end of the daylight saving time system in the US and Europe, IS6FX will transition to Winter Time starting from Monday, November 6th, Japan time. Please find below the updated trading hours in Japan time:

FX: Monday: 07:10 to Saturday: 06:50
Precious Metal: Monday: 08:20 to Saturday: 06:40
Stock Index: AUS200: Monday: 07:55 to Saturday: 05:55
DAX: Monday: 07:05 to Saturday: 06:05
EUSTX50: Monday: 16:05 to Saturday: 05:55
FRA40: Monday: 16:05 to Saturday: 05:55
HK50: Monday: 10:15 to Saturday: 03:50
IND50: Monday: 10:05 to Saturday: 05:40
JP225: Monday: 08:05 to Saturday: 06:50
NASDAQ: Monday: 08:05 to Saturday: 06:50
NETH25: Monday: 07:55 to Saturday: 05:55
SP500: Monday: 08:05 to Saturday: 06:50
SWI20: Monday: 16:10 to Saturday: 05:40
UK100: Monday: 08:05 to Saturday: 06:05
US30: Monday: 08:05 to Saturday: 06:50
VIX: Monday: 08:05 to Saturday: 06:40
Energy: Brent: Monday: 10:10 to Saturday: 06:05
NGAS: Monday: 08:20 to Saturday: 06:40
WTI: Monday: 08:05 to Saturday: 06:50
Stock: AAPL, ABNB, ACB, AMZN, BA, BABA, BHP, BIDU, KO, GME, GOOGL, JPM, MSFT, MVRS, NFLX, PDD, PFE, TSLA, XPEV, ZM: Monday: 23:35 to Saturday: 05:55

Thank you once again for your continued trust and support of IS6FX. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.