FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)

Closing an account

I want to close my account (I want to delete my account)
If you wish to delete or cancel your account, kindly contact customer support.
Additionally, please note that IS6FX requires customers to independently complete the cancellation procedure for a single MT4/MT5 account.
To cancel a single account, please log in to My Page, navigate to [Home] → [Assets] → [Account List], and click the button to initiate the account cancellation process.

* Prior to canceling the contract, please ensure you have obtained transaction history data.
* Kindly note that all account balances and bonuses will be forfeited upon cancellation. If there is an account balance, please request a withdrawal before initiating cancellation.
* Please be aware that a canceled account cannot be reactivated.
* For any queries regarding the cancellation application, please contact customer support.

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